Title Field (above): Publication, Date MM/DD/YY (Blogger Name, Blog Name) A Message From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board | April 5, 2013 Arlington school conflict puts civil-rights group in bad light: http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/04/05/4753733/arlington-school-conflict-puts.html FORT WORTH, TEXAS - The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is a hallowed name in the annals of American civil-rights history, having been co-founded by a group of dedicated leaders that included its first president, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The 8th grade student at Boles Jr. High School in Arlington says a teacher poured the pencil shavings in his mouth in January. The teacher was handed down a brief suspension following the incident, but has since returned to work.

Are the Gun Battle Lines Being Redrawn? Guns have been part of American culture since the beginning, but outrage over the latest atrocity has strengthened the chances for gun control.

Turning Off the Spigot

Texas has changed its tune on turning kids into criminals, but Fort Worth may be lagging behind. 

Read the media story here.

Black Blogger Month: The Field Negro's Wayne Bennett - As creator of The Field Negro, Wayne Bennett uses his blog to initiate critical thinking and dialogue within the Black community about a wide range of issues relevant to people of color. See the YouTube video here.

New District in Texas Promises a Scramble for Congress

Read the media story here.

Congressional District 33 candidates JR Molina, Kathleen Hicks, Chrysta Castaneda, Carlos Quintanilla and Rev. Kyev Tatum speak at the Conversation with the Candidates on the Tarrant County College South campus Thursday, May 10, 2012. Candidates Jason Roberts and Steve Salazar are not pictured but were on the sides of the stage.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/05/10/3952396/district-33-candidates.html#storylink=cpy

Read the media story here. Visit Pastor Tatum's blog.

Read the media story here.

AfroSpear blogger Eddie Griffin is pictured with the newly selected FWISD Supt. Walter Dansby in the Star-Telegram.

Even after afrosphere blogger Francis L. Holland, Esq. refused to publicize the Political Justice Degrees website in exchange for their linking to this blog, they have nonetheless selected this Police Brutality (and Atrocity) Blog as number eight among 100 "Police and Detective Blogs".  This is particularly significant in light of the their criteria for selecting blogs for this list.